Hello everyone,

I am looking for a powder bed printer for research purposes. The print head should be rather robust, as we would have to investigate the suitability of a variety of different binders. However, at our university we have some common characterization tools, such as tensiometers and oszilattion and roation viscosimeters.
I am writing and talking to some of the powder bed printing companies (ExOne, Voxeljet, 3DSystems, etc...) but none of them are willing to give me information about the binder solution specifications their printers require.
Or they just said that they don't think their printers are suitable. And that isn't really helpful :-/

Do any of you have some insights into robust R & D powder bed printers? The price should be < 120,000 $ oder 100,000 €.

I would be very happy, if you could give me some good ideas
