Hi Sabastian,

The point is that your $200 printer will be bare bones with very basic printing functionality. We want to help you understand your printer better and customize the print settings for optimal performance.

Of course the convenience features like cloud prints and web cam streaming won't make your print job better. But why not include some useful features into your printer that you only see with the higher end models? As in WiFi support. Yes, many features are supported in a variety of printers of different costs and software. We want to equalize the playing field. Any USB enabled printer can get on WiFi. They can all have manual control, notifications, system monitoring, etc. That's under making your life easier and printing more convenient.

However improving your prints our vision is more along the lines of giving a database of knowledge. Initially you will have your personal journal system. Scraps of paper with some ideas and tweaks. Maybe you save your profile each print and parse through your text file or import each one at a time to remember what you did.

We believe having a presentable representation of your printer performance will enable some great insights. Thus a convenient, easy to use, journal. More over, access to like 3D printers with their own experiments will help you learn even more.

The amount of settings, slicers, modeling software, support techniques is practically endless. We believe we can improve your experiences with some communal insights.

But for clarity's sake, I did not mean your print quality will be that of the $2000-$3000 printer. I meant you could get a lot of features that you see on those higher end models on your far more affordable model. Many of our features or versions of them exist on expensive printers but are completely out of scope of anything under $1000 - $2000. I apologize for the confusion there.

MakerX will not turn water into wine, but if might just keep some 3D printer operators form pulling out their hair and discarding their printer as a decoration.

Thank you for your thoughts, feedback is definitely welcomed.