My name is Matt, I'm currently 24 (nearly 25, within 2 months haha). I'm in my fourth year of a dual major in Mechanical/Heavy Industrial Engineering, and Human Resource Management. I do both modelling and printing, my modelling skills at the moment are fairly limited to what programs like Inventor are capable of, but I am trying to teach myself how to use programs like Milkshape, Maya, 3DS etc, in order to further bolster my training and abilities/usefulness.

As for a printer, I'm only reasonably new to 3D printing - I've wanted one for years and years, ever since I did an on-site experience with an engineering course in high school, when the tech was moderately rudimentary at best! I only just bought myself a Replicator 2 recently, and have been teaching myself Blender in order to clean up models for 3d printing and export them to print ready formats!

I'm a long time Eve Online player as well, which is where my decision to buy the printer actually came from - I wanted to develop my own tabletop version of the game to play with friends, and to make a one-off Eve version of Monopoly for home!

I see a big future in 3D printing, and getting the knowledge these past few months I have has definitely greatly benefited me, I've learnt an immense amount as it is!

I'm based in Australia too, in South-East Queensland. I would definitely be open to any group meetups and such!