Additionally, it is not a recurring error that keeps impacting... It s something that may be recurring as a repeated event, but it is not going to grow progressively larger every time it happens! And as DoulosDS said already: if we can make the pump stop just before it releases the roller-clamped section, we can avoid it altogether... That can be as simple as putting in a sensor that stops it at set locations, or otherwise leaves it running until it reaches that point. (Which would be every 1/nth rotation, where n=number of rollers)

The simplests and cheapest option for that would be a normal motor, and a circuitboard disc with as many interruption lines etched in to it as there are rollers on the roller-body, and a drag-contact on it... As long as the contact touches copper, the motor keeps running, when it gets to an etched section it stops... All you need to do then is modify the contact's position to make it stop in the right place...
If you go the stepper motor route, it is as simple as counting steps!