I have a gcode parser in C that can drive the galvo and laser. I have stepper code in python that seems to reliably move the Z axis. I'm working to move the Z axis into C, but it has become problematic. I spent about an hour last night trying to do it, and of course I gave up and went to do some reading and realized my mistake but didn't feel like powering everything up, maybe tonight or tomorrow.... Going to be bringing my printer to a local Maker Space (maybe two tomorrow) to show off what I've done with it.

I'm pondering doing a Kickstarter in which I will put together a BBB configured for the new software. Not 100% sure if I'll do that or just let everyone "fend" for themselves. I'd have to look into it, I figured it would be like $100 to cover the cost of a BBB board and time to get the software developed/installed on the boards, and the software would become open source in the end.