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  1. #6
    The recent election (regardless what you think of it) may be great news for makers, builders, innovators, and yes, those of us who finish and maintain our own (unserialized, unregistered) receivers, which is a LEGAL tradition as old (or older) than the United States itself (239 years if we count since July 1776).

    I would point out that Cody Wilson has really been targeted merely for providing an interesting tool that makes finishing an eighty-percenter easier (and also for making useful information available online) - and that his "ghost gunner" is not even a 3-D printer, it's more like something that has the functionality of a drill press (but which does the movement for you...) that "looks like" a printer.

    If you have a drill press in your home of course you can for around two hundred bucks or less get an eighty percenter and a jig kit from 80percentarms or a similar online or local shop and finish your own receiver with no need to serialize or register it. Much less expensive than a "ghost gunner" type solution but what he is doing is supporting people's basic right to spread information and build what they want.

    Here is a petition for those interested specifically relating to Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed. (Note: I don't have any particular interest, financial or otherwise, in DD or anything Cody Wilson is doing, except that I support the idea of our basic freedoms and Constitutional rights.)

    Another one, similar:

    Anyway, cheers all!
    Last edited by freethink; 01-31-2017 at 02:37 AM.

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