I think that the way you approach this is not systematic enough.

If the e-steps are calibrated OK, don't play with it, you'll just mess the situation for the filled layers (and notably the first ones). Unless of course your filament is not perfectly 1,75mm.
By the way, why do you print a very thick 1st layer ? Are we talking raft here or real first layer ? If the esteps are not set properly, you will overflow your layer and that will mess the following ones. Same if the Z-offset is not set properly.

The temp is way too high for PLA. This seems suspicious in itself.

Try printing slower and see if that brings you to a cleaner print for at least a temporary solution.
Is the movement smooth on all axis ?
Have you lubricated the rods ?
Is your extruder knobbeed bolt / gear / whatever clean ?
Do you have a cooling fan on the print while printing PLA ? That ALWAYS helps.