I am doing some dual extrusion prints, and I am running into a 2-part problem.

The first problem is that the extruder is not gripping the ABS filament enough. If I push up on the lever, it will extrude like it should. Here's a couple photos showing what I mean:
On the left is my normal priming move which runs into the problem of under extrusion. On the right is when I push up on the lever that holds my filament.
Also attached is my starting gcode.

The problem only gets worse when the filament has been sitting for a short period of time. One extruder will be in use and the other will sit there for a minute.
When it switches, absolutely nothing will come out. Once some filament has come out, it will do fine. I tried retracting 10 mm when not in use, but that didn't help, and I tried a prime tower and that didn't work either.

Unless I babysit the printer, these problems consistently come back like this:

Several layers of white are missing. Those are the ones where I was not taking care of the it.
The red seems to do better because that filament is not sitting there waiting as long.

My setup:
- FF Creator Pro
- 1.75 mm ABS that came with the printer
- Temp: 230 C
- Bed: 230 C