Wow, what an adventure the last few days have been. First the machine is great, other then a bad fan, and non secure z rod. Minor inconveniences, that will only result in upgrades hehe.

My first two days were great, then the plastic stopped sticking to the bed. I was printing on the plate direct with good results. But after settling in it has some curves to it now. I tried tape and it stuck, but the bed was still not flat enough. I tried to source a piece of tempered glass locally only to be turned way. I could of probably got an off cut out of the trash and paid them for it, oh well.

I got some 8x10 from home depot, at under $2 a sheet it was in my hand and worth a try. Some binder clips, and trial and error with abs slurry, hair spray, and glue sticks here is my conclusion.

Abs slurry and hairspray even if they work, are messy hard to clean, and contain chemicals that like to burn. But glue sticks you can eat if you want to be that kid , and they clean off glass very quick and easy compared to hairspray and slurry. Although scrapping the slurry with a razor worked well, warm water washes the glue off the plate in no time.

I got pictures and prints, and ideas and a pretty good idea on how to dial in the machine.

I stopped using cura in favor of matter control. It has way more options and you can customize printing preferences into presets.

Also anyone have a link to Gcode commands and syntax for the duplicator?