With all due respect, the shipping was always going to happen in stages over the course of a few months. That is pretty much the kickstarter status quo. Kickstarter pledges are unconditional donations. That is why many people have absolutely nothing to show for a huge number of kickstarters where the creators took the money and ran. What you have done is made a donation to a company to help get them off the ground. It is a very kind thing you have done, but to take it away now weakens the project for everyone.

It is interesting that this update is the final straw, since this update talks about how they are starting to ship units. You will have waited the entire delay period and will have your $135 dollars back. Seems like pooping out on the last lap of a race. Maybe you need that money, or don't need a 3D printer or something. The Peachy guys are pretty cool guys, if you email them, I bet they will refund you, even though, from my perspective, they are under no legal or moral obligation to do so.