Hy, i have a HICTOP Prusa i3 with ABS, and when i try to print someting i usually add a raft to it just to stick better, and my problem is that the raft layer is 99% perfect, but when it prints my actual object in some parts its skips a bit and the extruder goes to the next line and my print is horrible.



After the raft my first layer is not that bad but it has some problems, then the problems are building up on each other and its a mess.
I'm printing with cura, the settings are: 0.3mm layer height, 0.8mm shell thickness, 0.8mm bot/top thickness, 15% infill, 45mm/s print speed, 240 extruder, 98 bed temp, 0.4 nozzle, 1.75mm filament. I had some good results with PLA but with ABS its a mess. My bed is good, because my raft is almost perfect.
Any tips?