
I'm new to this forum and figured a great way to introduce myself would be to explain who I am in this "free promotion" category. My name is John Hill. I'm the CEO and co-founder of Mason 3D LLC. We're a new company located in Northern Virginia focused on making complicated and expensive 3D printing technology affordable and available to the general public. We're going to be conducting seminars, one-on-one consulting sessions, etc. Basically, we're getting 3D printers, mastering them, and making them available to anyone who wants to use them. This idea sprung up because here at George Mason University, we don't have a 3D printer available to students...and we want to change that. We really believe it's important to help facilitate innovation by getting this technology into the hands of creative thinkers like many of the students here at GMU. (Our focus isn't just on college students, but also the whole community here in Northern VA).

Right now, we're in the process of putting together our 3D printer "arsenal", which will be our select few printers that we'll use and promote in our everyday operations. Once we get our official "arsenal" set-up, we'll get rockin!

Here's our website (still in the process of building it): http://www.mason3d.biz/
You can also follow our progress through social media...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mason3d
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mason3DLLC

Let us know what you think! All ideas, suggestions, and comments are welcome!

Thanks for your support! God bless!


John Hill
CEO, Mason 3D LLC