I know nothing about those drivers. Are they entirely software controlled?

I typically run 1/16 microstepping. Usually when I hear that one extruder "extrudes about ten times as much plastic" the person has added a new driver to a RAMPS board without installing the microstepping jumpers.

I'm not sure what you mean by "rough mode." Just thinking out loud about things to try:

  • Is microstepping set the same?
  • Is the motor current set the same?
  • If you swap the motor wiring at the board, does the problem move to the other extruder (i.e. is the problem in the controller or in the motors or wiring?)


Quote Originally Posted by gddeen View Post
- When I switch from E0 to E1 the drive goes 10 times faster

G91:T1:G1 E0.5 F30:T0:G1 E5 F300:G90

Both drives do about the same thing, T1 sounds rougher.

I HAD them both doing the same. Now they aren't.
I believe an M221 S87 jumped it into rough mode.
I had gotten it back with a M501. But, now it is staying rough.

I set micro steps to 16. I did a M502 (reset values), M500 (write them)
and that doesn't fix it.

I've changed so many settings that I think I just need to start over.