
Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1

    Saving Bees Time and Energy With 3D Printed Honeycombs

    We may not realize it, but making honeycomb is hard work for bees. Researchers at New Zealand's Auckland University of Technology have come up with a way to help the overstressed bee population through 3D printed honeycomb. One 3D printer is capable of creating, in one day, as much honeycomb as it would take 60,000 bees one week to produce. The 3D printed comb saves the bees a tremendous amount of time and energy, which they can now dedicate to the important work of pollination and honey production. Read more at

  2. #2

    I've been trying to get this done for years (as a keen beekeeper). None of the 3d printing companies said it could be done (printing as the resolution needed with beeswax).
    Can you please put me in touch with whomever is leading this project for further details or share the printer details?

    Many thanks,


  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    there's a much better way:

    Plastic reuseable honeycomb with a tap to get the honey out.
    Designed with a 3d printer :-)

    And now commercially available.

  4. #4
    Thank you but I am aware of this product and not interested in it for various reasons.



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