Hi Roxy,

Thanks for the quick response, really appreciate the help.

I tried with your modified code in temperature.c but I get an error pointing array extruders1 when compiling. I did remove the reference to Heater 3 as my original only had heaters 0,1,2 and ended up with the code below

I can't attached the INO file as it's an invalid file for the forum, and I'll try to avoid copy/pasta the whole text file.

static int maxttemp_raw[EXTRUDERS] = ARRAY_BY_EXTRUDERS( 32000 , 32000 , 32000 );
static int minttemp[EXTRUDERS] = ARRAY_BY_EXTRUDERS( 0 , 0 , 0 );
static int maxttemp[EXTRUDERS] = ARRAY_BY_EXTRUDERS( 32000, 32000, 32000 );

I just tried the code above, but again at 400°C it triggered max temp error. I didn't get chance to try with the thermal protection disabled, and heating up to ~395° is pretty quick

Mjolinor, interesting idea. I'll have to investigate.