After countless research I think I have decided to go with the MendelMax 3. I figured the only way to really compare printers was to look at the components and build and how consistent and durable the printer is because getting the perfect part seems to be possible with a lot of the printers in this category...... if you tinker enough. Having a good community and following was also considered but not as much. I figured with a lot of the components being universal and open source there would be a lot of commonalities from one printer to another....all except the build quality......

To me, in the $1000 - $3000 range the MM3 seems to have advantages over all the other REPRAP/Mendal Designs, the MakerGear M2 or Taz 5. So...TAZ 6 > TAZ 5 but I am buying now. M2 seems to be the one to get based on the community and track record but no new designs in a while and I still think the build quality is better on the MM3.

So am I missing something? Is the build quality/design and are the components just as good if not better on the MM3 then the rest of the printers I stated?