Hello guys,

I'd really like to join your 3D-Printing Community but I'd need some help as I'm totally new. Sorry if I ask questions that seem to you like beginners stuff I should know.

As I don't want to spend much money on my first printer I have these two printer looked up as possible candidates for me:

The hesine m-505-b on aliexpress
(http://m.aliexpress.com/item/32357171936.html). I'm a bit scared of build quality and instructions as they seem to be in Chinese only. Second I read about some of the printers that they there power supply isn't sufficient and the heatbed can not reach the wanted temperature.

But as they have 1100+ orders and an overall very good rating I thought maybe some of you already have experience and can share them or advice me if I should or shouldn't.

The second printer I found just right know was the electron mix g3

Which is on sale for the another 2 days on 3dprintersonline (https://www.3dprintersonlinestore.co...3d-printer-kit).
As dprintersonline seems to me to be a better store as aliexpress I thought this might be the better option. They advertise their product to be better than the prusa i3, which I can't tell. They have a Bowden extruder (e3d v6), probably better(?). They have a known heatbed mk3.

I just want to gain some printing experience. I don't need to have superduper quality print but still good.

I just don't know if they are both crap or if one (or if both of them) are good?

Can you please help me? Thanks in advance anyway.
