I installed this monitor on my FF Creator Pro and have run it for several days now. Initial thoughts: Works Great!

I had 2 prints pause because of knotted filament. I was able to back up to the utilities menu, unload, straighten the knot, reload, and 'unpause' the printer. There was no noticeable flaw in the print job. I was using Makerware 2.4 at the 'Standard' settings and a 10 second delay on the monitor

For this printer, I would extend the mounting rails so the filament entrance is aligned with the center of the spools which would decrease the potential problems. I had to remove the filament tube holder, that I had installed.

Major note: the slower the print speed the longer the delay needs to be otherwise the monitor pauses the printer frequently. I was testing Ninjaflex filament at 30 mm/sec print speed and had to increase the delay to almost 30 seconds.
