
I have tested and can confirm that

M109 S240 T12 ; await head temp

on a layer change does indeed cause the printer to await the new head temperature.

However, the print resumed before repetrel reported the new temperature. Repetrel reports the average of some number of samples, and the printer resumes printing as soon as a single report of the new temperature is received.

I hope this helps; let me know if you have other questions.


Quote Originally Posted by rd_3d View Post
Hi Davo,

I may have misunderstood upon first read as I tried using M104 S240 T12 and upon reaching the layer I had put that G-code in at, the temperature did not change. Upon second read, I realized that I should use M109 S240 T12 instead, and I will try this next time I print. Will placing this upon a layer change cause the printer to stop though and wait for the temperature to rise to 240 from 235?

Also, the M221 S1.1 T12 seems to have worked perfectly and I used M140 S0 and M140 S45 to change the bed temperature as well. Thanks for your help so far.