I've bought quite a few samples of different "special" filaments to try out. First up is Laywoo-D3, a wooden filament.

To use the samples I first printed a sample spool based off of a design from thingiverse but with a custom inner ring (and just a small size difference in the arms), printed in newmatter pink. Works well enough, arms are detachable, a small problem with filament not being wound hard enough and sort of sliding out, I've seen other designs that might be better in this regard, but for now I'm sticking to this one. If anyone is interested I might stick it up on thingiverse (or even try to get it into the newmatter store?)

First print with special filament: the classic Le Fab Shop elephant. Printed without support, a 1 mm shell and with 0 infill to make the sample last (and it just barely did), sliced with astroprint, printed at 200 degrees (can be printed at different temperatures to change the colour of the wood). Feels very much like some sort of wood/paper. Very easily sanded, here I've just removed excess filament no major sanding and as you can see there are a few small artefacts. Lines are not that noticeable, and when they are they actually add to the wooden look!