Berlin-based BioInspiration has 16 more days to go in its Kickstarter campaign to raise $9,152 for its new compostable filament -- WillowFlex. Made out of "compostable electrometric bioplastic" with a base component of non-GMO corn starch, this filament is heat and cold resistant, flexible, and will be available in 10 colors. BioInspiration is close to its fundraising goal, and for $28 USD or $44 USD you can get either a 300g or 500g spool of WillowFlex. You can also get voting rights to help decide the last 5 of the 10 colors that WillowFlex will be available in. Sounds like an excellent deal all around. Additional details on this new filament can be found here:

Below is a picture of a flexible cup printed with the new filament: