A video that would answer the typical newbie questions on this forum so we could direct them to your vid instead : explain bowden / direct drive ; explain core xy; show what is a delta ; how to detect and correct not tight belts ; advantage of Z probe to perform a G29 ; a tuto on various extruder gens/heatbed/closed frame and the relation to usable material ; heatcreep ; filament material, bed and adherence ; testing temps on a new filament.

for slightly more experienced newbies :
demo on bicolor and how to set it up ( with a dual extruder and without)

But this is just to avoid typing the same stuff over and over. What would actually interest me or what I could contribute to is :
Demo of tolerances to apply on fittings.
Demo on advanced post processing methods and cheap kits (sandblasting ?, electroforming ?)