Jumping in with an email sent out by New Matter yesterday:

Firmware 0.5.0: Filament Sensor

Hello MOD-t users!

With this latest firmware release, 0.5.0, we are turning on the filament presence detector on the filament entry port of the MOD-t. Doing so will allow the MOD-t to notify the user when filament has run out in the middle of a print job and will pause the print job to allow new filament to be loaded. When the MOD-t detects the lack of filament, it will continue to print for a few minutes so it uses up some of the remaining filament. It will stop with enough filament left so it’s still easy to unload the remnant filament and then you can reload a fresh spool of filament and resume printing the current job.

We are planning on implementing new warning screens on the store and desktop application in the near future. However, we wanted to implement the fix immediately as it has been impacting normal use of the MOD-t. If you notice that your MOD-t has paused on its own with this new firmware update, please follow the below instructions:

• Step 1: Check to see if your filament snapped or ran out
• Step 2: If the filament snapped or ran out, the MOD-t will be paused. Go to the NMS or desktop utility to run the filament unload sequence
• Step 3: When the unload sequence is finished, run the filament load sequence and load new filament
• Step 4: When you see filament extruding, press the button to stop the filament extruding, per the normal filament loading process
• Step 5: The button will still be flashing. Press the button one more time to resume the print

We’ve also noticed limited instances of jams in the extruder when a user tries to feed new filament into the extruder after it has consumed the end of a filament line. To prevent a jam in the extruder, always run the filament unload before you load new filament in the MOD-t.

Quote Originally Posted by jamesarm97 View Post
Ok. Thanks for confirming that. Hopefully they will implement that and pause the print. They should also implement push notifications or something. I start an upload and forget to go press the button thinking it will start automatically.
I know what you mean... while it would be nice, I think they're intending for an end user to do a quick "nothing looks out of place" glance by having to press the physical button to initiate printing.