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  1. #1

    A NinjaFlex Joystick for Wheelchairs

    Two French occupational therapists have designed a new joystick attachment that is 3D printed using NinjaFlex. Due to its flexible qualities, they’ve been able to design a design that allows the patient to put his hand directly into the joystick and move it in whichever direction he wishes to go. This is a great improvement for quadriplegic patients who do not have full use of their hands. While the project is still in progress, they’ve had great success, and they are even passing the current technique for design onto students at the University of France. Read more at

  2. #2
    Anyone know if this NinjaFlex Joystick is out for use or testing? I would test this product . I am a c4 c5 quadriplegic and have no feeling or movement in my hands .

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    well it was one post 4 years ago.

    but at the end of the day most people with a 3d printer could design and make one inside a few hours.

    Looking at the picture it's just a flexible 'stick' that attaches to the chairs normal joystick thread.

    Given that ninjaflex was the first flexible filament and it had only just been released at the time: It was more a 'look what can be done with ninjaflex' article then anything else.

    These days there are any number of flexible tpus and pla's.
    So find a local 3d printer and get them to make you something :-)
    If you're in the uk - let me know.

  4. #4
    Thank you for the reply

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