I have just bought my first 3D printer, replicator mini. I install the makerbot desktop 3.7 and connected my macbook pro. I cant get the printer to do anything because whenever I click "print" the message "printer is busy" comes up.
I thought it may need a later firmware to work with the latest 3.7 desktop but I can't access the menu as it is greyed out like this.

Replicator Mini Menu.jpg

Does anyone know a reason why the menu is greyed out or a way to install makerbot desktop 3.6 to try.
Is there a way to install a later firmware without using makerbot desktop?
I think this may have been used by the shop as a demo machine as it was on display but the printer head was in still the bag so I am not sure.

I have also tried using another Mac and 2 windows 7 computers, all with the same result.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
