This thread helped me heaps. Thank you all for your ideas. Here's what I did:

  1. Heat the bed to around 100 degrees C and carefully (wear gloves or avoid touching the bed) peel off the old sticker (by lifting, not by rolling it back). This should leave only a minimum of adhesive behind. My first mistake was taking the sticker off when cold. I suspect that if I had tried it when hot, a lot more adhesive would have come off.
  2. Turn off the printer entirely, unplug it, and let it cool down. Put a bit of tape over the exposed electronics if you don't have a cover already in place.
  3. Liberally apply "Goof Off" (available from Bunnings if you're in Australia) all over the bed wherever there is adhesive. Be very careful not to get any drips on the electronics. Wait a minute or so.
  4. Wipe off with a "Chux" wipe or strong paper towel. If it doesn't wipe right off just add more liquid and rub it round a bit. The glue will come up in clumps. Keep going until completely clean and dry.
  5. Flatten any imperfections in the surface. In my case the aluminium (yes, that's how we spell it here!) had a gouge out of it (an altercation with a scraper) which left a ridge. A few seconds with a Dremel and the ridge was filed flat.
  6. Apply new sticker.
  7. Profit.

