Hi, I've put my brand new 3d printer for sale on ebay.

Why didn't I use it, well that was gonna be my first 3d printer and went for something a little too much and I had great ambition for it but things didn't go well in my life and now I'm selling it with a loss.

I'd like to keep it but life can be a bitch sometime.

Here's the link for the auction, I've put BEST OFFER option.


I really took my time when shopping for 3d printer and it really was the best I could find, it's not a ultimaker but it had more volume for cheaper and the review are pretty good on this printer"

Good luck.

Feel free to ask any question but it's not hard, it's a brand new lulzbot TAZ 5 for cheaper. You can also buy an extended warranty separately on the official website"

Here's the official website which is more pretty than my auction page and you can access the whole lulzbot's accessories there. https://www.lulzbot.com/products/lul...z-5-3d-printer