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  1. #1

    How much does it cost to assemble a 2nd printer if you print the parts with your firs

    Lets suppose I have a prusia i3, and now I need a 2nd one, How much can I save printing parts for the 2nd one, or better yet maybe part the answer I am looking for, is:

    Is there a website where I can see which parts are printable, and which ones I need to buy so that I dont have to buy the whole kit?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Depends. if you can get your hands on some old printers for rails, and salvage any other items, it wouldnt cost much at all. Maybe the Printed kits have a package weight and you could workout how much filament you would need from that?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Montreal, Quebec
    My prusa i3, have had its parts printed with the printers at my work and its still not finished yet. Turth to be said, it's probably much better if you buy a complete kit. The 8mm rod can be expansive if you live in the US, and the leadscrew too. Alternatively you can go with imperial use 5/16 rod and rod, but keep in mind you have to adjust the design in consequence.

    So far I have spent about 300$ on my prusa and it's halfway done. The board can be expansive or cheap depending on what you buy, it can range from 40 to 180$ US. The 5 motors alone add another 100$. Metric screw, bearing, shaft, leadscrew, coupler, belt, hotend, power supply adds another 100-200$. Keep in mind that I have cut the frame myself with the laser cutter, that save another 30-50$.

    At this point, I would advise you to buy a new kit.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    well work out what the plastic parts weigh and what you pay per kg of filament it'll cost that much in printed parts.

    Basically there is no such thing as a rep rap printer. All the relevant and expensive parts need to be bought.

    You might save yourself as much as £20, if you buy very expensive filament :-)

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