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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Milwaukee, WI / Ft Walton Beach, FL
    Add Wolfie on Thingiverse
    Quote Originally Posted by Zortrax View Post
    Zortrax Official Statement: We’d like to clarify ambiguities arising in connection with our competition. The “Win Zortrax M200” competition is not a lottery – the winner is selected by the Zortrax jury based on the quality of the project. Moreover, purchase is not required to enter the contest. “Win Zortrax M200” is intended for Zortrax users and software is required. Z-Suite is an integral part of Zortrax M200 3D printer and necessity for the 3D printer results from the specificity of the product. Please, read our Terms & Conditions document for more details:
    Calling BS on that statement. You can say it all you want, but purchase IS REQUIRED according to the first post here and your rules as stated in the PDF.

    Direct quote from the PDF you linked:
    1. Only Zortrax M200 owners can enter the contest
    Purchase IS necessary. Its stated in the first item of your T&C, unless you plan on handing out M200's to anyone wishing to enter that is. Is that your intention? If so, I would like to enter. Prior ownership of a specific product satisfies the purchase requirement of a lottery. For example, if you are required to buy a Budweiser beer in order to enter a "contest", then that satisfies the purchase required rule. That is why most "contests" allow entry via postal mail. Read the fine print of virtually any "contest" run by a large corp, you will see "Alternate methods of entry".

    Requirements to be a lottery:
    1. There is a prize. Check, you win a M200.
    2. There is chance involved in winning. Probable. Depends on interpretation and ambiguity of the rules.
    3. There is a purchase required. Check. You must be a M200 owner already.

    FYI, rule 10 is a bit ambiguous or slightly misworded. Your country or the country where the item is shipped from is the country of origin, the winner's country is country of residence or the destination country. Origin is where something starts out. Residence or destination is where its going, at least as far as shipping and taxes are concerned.

    Just curious what your rules are in the event that the Zortrax jury ends with a tie on two or more models? How will you handle a tie? Give both a printer or what? I saw nothing in your T&C that discloses what occurs in this event.

    I am in the US and as far as I know Zortrax is a Polish company and you are bound by your laws, not ours. The whole international aspect makes it even more muddy.

    Anyway, enjoy the models. I hope someone posts the winner here so we can see what they came up with.

    Peace. Out.

  2. #2
    Technician STRYKR's Avatar
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    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfie View Post
    Its stated in the first item of your T&C, unless you plan on handing out M200's to anyone wishing to enter that is.
    To be fair, I won a Zortrax M200 and therefore didn't have to purchase it. If I were to win this particular contest then it wouldn't be violating the three criteria you've outlined. Second, what if someone was given one as a gift without the intent to enter this particular contest? And all in all, does it really matter? It's a cool contest and awesome that the company wants to reward their users and introduce a really sweet gallery of high quality models to print on a high quality printer.

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