Hi! I'm Eddie, and I am a RepRap enthusiast. I finished my phase I build of a Kossel Mini delta bot about a month ago. Since then I've printed a couple keychains and christmas ornaments for my wife and set about planning my phase II rebuild. As sort of a capstone project for the build my wife and I designed this dog bed(http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:209726). The design goal for the rebuild is to allow the bot to be easily broken down to a flat pack for shipping as I will soon find myself RepRapping in Kandahar. Measures to accomplish this are to move all electronics within the base enclosure, mount the extruder to the base as well, modify the vertical carriages to include z-height adjustment, replace endstop mounts to accommodate this, and install biased connectors at the base of each tower to connect the endstop switch circuits. While I'm at it I plan to replace the end effector as I hacked the present one up pretty good trying to get the hot end to play nice with the z-probe and bowden clamp I cobbled together. That upgrade might as well include another four or six conductor connector to accommodate a future tooling quick-change as well as a fan.

I love my delta. It makes me extremely proud to watch it work and if I'm not careful I can lose hours "supervising" it. I'm very glad I decided to disregard the advice I read not to make my first RepRap a delta. It was a challenge trying to get it all together with little to no documentation, but not an insurmountable one. I tell my son often that nothing worth anything in life is easy. That said, I do plan to make my next bot a gantry or a-frame to allow for a heavier tooling or perhaps milling capabilities.

In any case, glad to be here and glad to be counted as a RepRap owner. Good hunting and if I can be of assistance please ask.
