Hello all
I am a 57 year old truck driver so I dont have a lot of time at home. A year and a half ago I bought a kit from eckertech.com, spent a week putting it together, got frustrated and put it on the shelf. About 6 months ago, I had some time so I pulled it back out and finally got it working so the learning started. I have been going nuts with it ever since. As with all machines, there were a lot of things I wanted to change (added a print cooler, fixed z-axis stop, plus multiple upgrades). I am currently almost finished with my 2nd ecksbot, this one incorporates all the upgrades I did on the first one and now the power supply is mounted on the back and it uses a smart lcd controller, it should be running in the next week. I am halfway through building a wilson machine made with misumi extrusions, and I have the frame assembled for a rostock prisma.
I have had a lot of fun and some disappointments along the way and will lurk here to help out whoever I can. Feel free to message me, but you may have to wait a few days until I return home for your answer. Happy reprapping.