Hey !

Iv had my CTC 3D printer for around 3 weeks now and have been loving it. However, it has now developed a fault.

The printer is randomly rebooting or freezing during prints. usually the screen also shows bogus characters when this happens but usually its just a full reboot of the printer.

I have traced the problem back to the Y Axis. If I use the JOG mode and move the head up and down the Y axes after a few runs the axes shudders slightly (makes a slightly jerking noise and stutters) a few times and then the printer will crash and reboot if I continue to JOG the axes for a few more seconds.

I have tried switching the Y axes Steppe modules with a extruder steppe modules however it has not made a difference.

I have also visually checked the wiring and it seems fine. The Y axis cabling doesn't actually get moved around like the X axis cabling...thought that could be the cause.

Im now at a loss, and I really want to get back to printing!

Any suggestions guys??