It's hard to see how this strength would be other than uni-directional, given the way FDM printers work. I suppose a flat plate could be printed with layers going in opposite directions, but as soon as the part profile deviated from the flat, there would be no option but to follow the contour of the wall being built. This would certainly be strong in the lengthwise direction, but it would still suffer from the cross-wise weakness that characterizes all the objects made this way - the tendency of the layers to delaminate is their inborn curse. I like the idea mentioned above, of having the build plate swivel, so that deposition could happen across vertically-stacked layer lines, but that would require a lot more mechanical sophistication, and it seems that clearance would be a problem given the configuration of most extruders, not to mention this machine's special extruders, which, it would seem, need some kind of cutter for that continuous filament.

Andrew Werby