Sounds great! Your doing so good we'll load you up with more!
First rule! When you level and think it is good, do it again. Get a system that becomes second nature! Once leveled really watch what the first layer is doing and how it is extruding. What is it telling you? When you do make a change, resist changing multiple things at once. Small adjustments and try again.
The best feeling - and you'll know it - is when you see a problem and you think you know just what is needed and it actually works just as you hoped and then it all clicks and a print comes together.

Troubleshooting - eliminate the most obvious, simplest things first because that is usually what it is. Like when filament does extrude or extrudes poorly on the first layer. Loosen the gap and see what happens, just as you have found. Everyone will have good advice on a problem but so many over complicate an issue. Just keep it simple and remember - these are machines and even though you will come to believe it has a mind of its own at times, it still only does what it is told to do!

Glass is easy and you will wonder how you lived without it. Just remember to print a shim for the Z end stop. You need to add a spacer so the bed doesn't lift as high when the glass is in place. Search thing for a spacer and I am sure Dave will recommend one.

I ultimately went to PEI on the glass. No more sprays or glue. Works good.