Wow, I pretty much only print ABS and it's been no problem at all.
I use a borosilicate build platform. I load it up with a nice solid heavy coat of aguanet. One aquanet treatment will work for a large number of prints. (At least 20)
I run the bed at 110C for the first 10 layers, 100C for the next 10 layers and 90C from there on up. When the bed cools down after printing the parts pop right off with no trouble.
I did see some lifting with large thin ABS parts until I started using the aquanet.
I run the extruder at 230C with the fan turned off for ABS. I use the right extruder for ABS, and the left extruder for PLA.

I've not had any issues with PLA either though. For that I do bed temp of 80C, extruder temp of 210C and fan on.