8-year-old Omkar Govil-Nair has been working with Arduino technology for the last two years, since drawing inspiration from then 12-year-old Quin Etnyre, a young maker behind Qtechknow who demonstrated his know-how to Omkar at a Maker Faire. Omkar, who updates his projects online at the Internet of Things for Kids (IoT4Kids) site, has now introduced the 3D printed O Watch: "the first programmable watch for kids developed by a kid." The O Watch will debut on a crowdfunding site later this month, and at next month's NYC Maker Faire, Omkar will be on hand to demonstrate the device. Read more about this impressive contribution from a young maker in the full article: http://3dprint.com/88856/kids-3d-printed-o-watch-kit/

Below is a photo of Omkar with his O Watch setup: