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  1. #1

    Question Simplify3D Settings - Blob on front right corner before print starts

    I've got setting I can't figure out how to turn off in Simplify3D. Before my print starts, the extruder travels to the front right corner
    and spits out a blob of ABS, then it starts printing and it tends to create a mess. Also, black ABS is very stringy. Any help would be greatly


  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    update to the new s3d - it doesn't do the spit in the corner anymore but the same front wipe that makerbot software does.
    And also make sure you pull the filament off the nozzle as it spits, stops it getting caught on the nozzle. (surely front left corner)

    black filament is odd stuff. Some makes need lower temps, some higher. If it's stringy then there are several options:
    Because the colourant is usually carbon black - it tends to hold it's temp more than other colours, so a ducted fan onto the print area is essential for black - I reckon, anyway :-)

    1) raise printing temperature
    2) slow print speed. Most people with new machines try and print way too fast. It says you can print at 100mm/s - it lies. 40-70 is the usual range. 75 is my absolute top speed.

  3. #3
    i had the same issue with my creator pro , contact simplify3d on the support page and they with send you a new FFF profile with instruction on how to install it

  4. #4
    I got rid of the blob by editing the G code scripts. The culprit was the following line of G code:

    G1 X110 Y-70 E25 F300 ; purge nozzle

    But now, I want to add a line to my Simplify3D scripts tab that draws a line in the front of the build platform, left to right to purge the nozzle prior to the start of each print.
    Can any one help with the G code I need to make my FlashForge draw a line prior to every print? Thanks.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator
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    The nozzle purge and wipe is a good thing at the front right. It is good to make sure it doesn't get drug along into the print though. As far drawing a line at the front of the build plate, that is makerware stuff. It is better to run a 2 line brim around the object so you can check plate leveling before the object starts to print.

  6. #6
    Thanks jfkansas. I figured that last night that the brim serves the same purpose as to a straight line in front of the build plate. Thanks again.

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