Quote Originally Posted by Compro01 View Post
I'm just hoping we avoid having the Great 3D Printer Crash of 2023.
This could very well happen. I too, fear this as a possible outcome. Being a part of 'The Next Generation' as so many people say to me, this kind of stuff is probably going to be my entire future. The next 10-20 years will either show huge progress and humanity will strive, or we will manage to do something that will kill all of us in the end.

Quote Originally Posted by Riskerbus View Post
Over the next 5 years we will see some consolidation and probably a few major companies emerge.
Here's to hoping that Makerbot Industries stay ahead of the game!

As of right now, (and it might be just because it's related to what I do) most of the news I see about 3D printers is either in the medical field with super-advanced-super-expensive printers that will not be on the global market for years, or it's about Makerbot, Printrbot, and now the Peachy Printer. The Peachy Printer being in a class of it's own because of how different it is from the other printers.

If they can get it to work well, and keep it cheap, then they guy(s) over at Peachy are going to run the market for laser printing because they were the first to do it, and seemingly do it well.