Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
The fix I mentioned involves making some spectacles for the sensor, so it will resolve smaller details. This has been done for the Kinect, but not for the Sense, as far as I know.

As for the Einscan, I called it vaporware because it didn't appear that they were actually for sale at this point. But if some people actually are using it already with good results, that's a positive sign. It does appear that it captures objects with fairly good resolution, and, at least using the turntable, that the scans integrate with each other automatically. There's also a "free scanning" option for larger parts, but not much about that on the website. I'd definitely be up for trying this system out when it becomes available.

Andrew Werby
Hey Andrew,

There is a guy in CA supplying "spectacles" for the Occipital Structure / Sense. Google "4eyes". Sebastian. They're one and the same unit. 3D Systems have their own iPad app but it's not worth the extra expense. The Structure is pretty good for the money but it depends on what it is you're hoping to scan. It is worth paying a little extra and buying Occipital's Skanect software for PC/Mac too.

I'm interested in the Einscan. If the results are as good as they're saying, it'll give David a run for its money.

Anyone who's interested in 3D scanning should hop over to Sketchfab, where you'll find the results of many scanning technologies.




Haters gonna hate. Pot8ers gonna pot8!