The Portuguese football star Cristiano Ronaldo was literally confronted with both his own strangeness, and the bizarre that is Japanese marketing head on when he made a promotional appearance with this “House of Wax” like 3D printed replica of himself in Tokyo. Ronaldo was promoting an electric muscle stimulator which the makers say is ideal for creating that washboard stomach look without the inconvenience of actually working out. Built by a Hollywood special effects studio and sheathed in silicone, the 3D printed model features moving facial expressions and it was built from data collected from a 3D scan of his world-famous body which used 110 cameras to do the deal. And in keeping with his well-known love for all things Cristiano Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo was pleased with the results indeed. You can read the whole story here:

Check out Ronaldo and his 3D Printed twin in the image below: