Hi everybody! Complete newbie here. I would love to get into 3D printing and have a working understanding of how things work.
It still means a serious investment (at least to me). But I just found out about the Elecfreaks Freaks 3D printer... I thought for $299 + shipping seems really cool.

It's not listed here and I would really love to hear what you guys think about it. To my inexperienced eyes it seems like a good bang for the buck.
Any ideas what I might be missing?
I've been reading around but it seems that no one is talking about it, so I'm worried that people with deeper understanding take it as not worth taking seriously and I am missing something. Quality issues, printing technology, size of prints....I guess what I'm trying to say, is there any caveat to this?

Thanks! I appreciate any help...

I have posted a similar question to the 3dprintingforum, just trying to get at least a few opinions from the 3d printing veterans out there.
Thanks again!