Quote Originally Posted by printbus View Post
One thing I'd change is the retraction speed. The motors driving the M5 z-rods on the MakerFarm i3v printers can't do better than about 15mm/sec. The MakerFarm Marlin distribution at least to use an extruder DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE of 22mm/sec, so that would have over-ruled the 30mm/sec set in the slicer anyway. 22mm/sec has still been found by multiple people to be too fast.

It looks like there was a layer shift towards the bottom of the print, or was that part of the design? Providing a link to the thingiverse source is always a good idea.
Ok I'm starting a new print. Here is a link to the object in thingiverse if anyone wants to see it. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:704409
I think the shift you refer to are the rafts that I didn't fully remove.

In this print, I removed the unnecessary rafts. I lowered the retraction speed to 15mm/sec. And significantly reduced the outline underspeed to 35% to see how that looks.

Edit: If I still see any strings, I'm going to create 2 towers, with changing retraction speed rates.