Note: We incorrectly reported that Legacy Effects had 'switched' from Stratasys PolyJet printers to using the Carbon 3D Printer, when in fact it is just another tool in the company's toolbox, and Legacy Effects uses multiple machines still, including both the Stratasys line as well as Carbon3D's latest machine. We sincerely apologize for this error, which has since been corrected.

Legacy Effects, a Los Angeles-based special effects company, has used Stratasys polyjet 3D printers for years, but has recently began using Carbon3D, famous in 3D printing for its Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) technology, which many claim offer faster and better quality prints than any other 3D printing available today. Legacy Effects' Lead Systems Engineer, Jason Lopes, concurs that the projects they have used Carbon3D printers for have been highly successful, and Legacy Effects has generally benefits in many ways from this switch to Carbon3D technology. Lopes also suggests he is now tackling new projects because CLIP allows his to expand his artistry and do new and exciting things engineering special effects for film and television. More details on the work being done by Legacy Effects can be found here: