After having done more research, I think I might actually go with a Wanhao D4S instead of the FF. It comes stock with a glass bed, and from what I've read the FF's have a different heat bed, which had to have the firmware tweaked in order for it to work. Not sure if that's still a thing, but the Wanhao is also about $250 cheaper.

And I've actually already sold my Rostock, but a few things are still holding me back. For one, I didn't initially consider that I'd be locked into the software. I've too been spoiled with my Rostock being able to use anything, and I've actually really been liking Matter Control. But I've been talking to the guys on the Google Groups, and I guess they don't find it an issue.
Another thing is that it wouldn't be easy to install say an E3D hotend to print nylon or other such materials. There's someone working on parts for an E3D hotend, but by now there should have been MANY solutions, and it worries me that there aren't.
Then there's just the fact that it's a pretty outdated design. I can't believe there aren't better printers out there for the price. It's been long enough for there to have been some real competition.

In any case, I'll probably still go for it. There are pros and cons to them all, and the D4S / Creator Pro seems solid enough. If only the Lulzbot Mini had a larger bed by 2 in^2, I'd prefer it for the auto bed leveling, better hotend, and software choices.