I am having some trouble getting my induction probe to auto bed level.
I have an ord-bot (http://imgur.com/XlZK44I) with the following settings in Simplify 3d (http://imgur.com/3MIuORi). And my marlin config file: (http://paste2.org/y01Nam0X)
When homing the Z goes to the top limit switch, Y to the back limit switch and x to the right limit switch (as seen in photo). The probe sits roughly 45mm to the right and 35mm to the front and when the hot end barely touching the plate the probe triggers. When I do a G29 command after homing, the hot end bottoms out (front right corner). This is due to the prob being off the bed, shouldnt it be centered?. I am getting confused with all the config etc.
Also when i home the machine I have a positive values of z 278.00 (homes tot he top of the machine) and x 295.00 (homes to the right of the machine) where as Y is 0 (homes to the back). This is where I get confused, should homing be a 0,0,0 number or have i got min / max etc mixed up somewhere..

So I need some help getting this all to work so I can enjoy auto bed leveling.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.