Great questions guys
- chip is an STM32
- signal resolution( not measuring noise ) is 18 bit and we accomplished this by using more than 1 pwm pin per Chanel
- actual functional resolution... I have no clue but it looks like it might be so good its hard to measure,
- using random start point spreads that seam all over the print and makes for a print that dosent look glassy but has a ruff texture.
There is a way to never have a seam and have clear prints but we havent not implemented it yet... it would involve never stopping the mirrors or tuning the laser off but instead pwm the laser power to match the speed of the resin riseing ( it will be awsome! ) its in our work log but wont see development for at-least 3 months. I think someday you will be printing and all the seams will just disappear after a software update
- We still have hopes of sporting phones, android looks rather promising, were working on a ui that uses kivi which supports mobile.
- Digital will probably never work on chrome book, for that to work someone would have to re write the software in java and a web browser plug in.
it might be posible to hack some fun projects together with audio and chrome book.