Welcome mrsullers

At peachy printer we have done alot of thinking about how to make it quick and easy to have a great first experience with our printer
At a 100 dollar price point your in good company being a newbe to 3d printing. Lots of our customers are!

Here are a couple of work flows you can do with peachy printer.

1 plug your printer in to a usb port
2 open peachy printer software
3 click on one of many costomizable prints packaged right in the software to start printing.

Of course you will want to make your own things from scratch to so in that case:

-use a 3d modleing software of your choice to make a modle and save it as an stl or download an stl.
- use a slicer of your choice to turn your object into layers and save it as gcode.
- open the gcode with peachy software to start printing.

As for the mirros they are very very delicate so cleaning them dosent work very well.
Instead we have made sure that the mirros only take about 1 minuit to replace, and only cost a dollar or two for a brand new set of mirrors.
Replacing your mirrors is very easy to do and there will be instructions for how to do that.

The same goses for replacing your laser, its as easy as screwing in a light bulb, because we have a laser socket. changeing your laser will take about 30 seconds.
and will cost ruffly 10 dollars. Altho we have not had any problems with burning them out recently, after switching to brand name Sony laser diodes.

This easy to replace thing is the case for all the parts in a peachy printer. nearly all the parts snap together sort of like Lego, and are rather easy to,
and because the hole printer costs 100 bucks there arnt any parts that are particularly expensive to replace.