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  1. #1

    Top Selling 3D Printers at Best Buy and Amazon Online Stores

    JeeQ Data, founded by former employees of Microsoft and Amazon, is a cloud-based service that gathers information related to the website sales of major retailers and has monthly subscriptions available starting at just $1.99. One area they report on is 3D printers, and JeeQ Data co-founder Kevin Zhang has provided with a sneak peek at some data in this area, related to e-sales from Best Buy, Amazon, and Walmart. Check out the full article for charts related to top sellers for the month across all marketplaces, from, and from

    Below is a look at the chart for the month's top sellers across all marketplaces:

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    that line chart uses the worng colours for me - 4 of those coloured squares look identical to me :-)

    The pie charts were better.
    presumably it's just pre-built machines and not kits as well.

    Be interesting to see a breakdown of kits as well. How many iprusa i3's and how many deltas etc.

  3. #3
    The data is hard to trust, since there are duplicate entries in the graphs. If they are not careful enough to proof their results, how I can be assured that they are careful in the way they collect their data.

  4. #4
    Whoever the idiot is that decided 5 different colors of yellow/orange should be used for a graph should be fired.

  5. #5
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    France, Aix en Provence
    This is biased : most of the sales of the smaller manufacturers go through their own website.

  6. #6
    Hi, this is Kevin from JeeQ Data. Sorry for the confusion. The data is very authentic from site. Could you tell me what are the duplicate entries in the graph? Sometimes the product name is too long so we have to truncate them, but there is a productID attached to the product name, which is unique in merchant website.

  7. #7
    sorry the idiot is here. This is Kevin from JeeQ Data. I kind of agree with you the color is pretty boring and too close to tell the difference, we will add a feature to let user customize their chart color set in the future release.

  8. #8
    Hi, this is Kevin from JeeQ Data. What you said is true. Since we only summarize top 10 products so lots of the smaller manufacturers are out of chart. We have the plan to cover top 20 products in the future release, should may bring more manufacturers back. Stay tuned.

  9. #9
    Here is the latest Quarterly Update from JeeQ:

    JeeQ Data is keeping us apprised succinctly of 3D printing trends in terms of who’s gaining in market share, sales and popularity of 3D printers, as well as who is driving up prices or bringing them down. They include the top ten best-selling 3D printers from both Amazon and Best Buy, truly giving a snapshot into what consumers are purchasing. Read more about the latest trends at

    Below is a chart of the best selling 3D printers by manufacturer:

  10. #10
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    France, Aix en Provence
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Zhang View Post
    Hi, this is Kevin from JeeQ Data. What you said is true. Since we only summarize top 10 products so lots of the smaller manufacturers are out of chart. We have the plan to cover top 20 products in the future release, should may bring more manufacturers back. Stay tuned.
    Sorry I was unclear. Biased is not appropriate. This data is MISLEADING because since many manufacturers choose not to sell via Amazon or BEST BUY, they are not included in the study.

    And the consequence is simple : even BRIAN here got caught in it. The title to the chart became "Best Selller Market Share". This is now totally untrue since the study takes numbers from Amazon and Best Buy only thus the intel is absolutely NOT representative of the entire market.

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