MKS Sbase is a nice board and Smoothieware seems to work fine. However, Smoothie lacks one feature that I consider a must with Dollo: mesh bed leveling i.e. the manual leveling. Smoothie only supports leveling with a sensor, but Marlin has that so I compiled Marlin 2 bugfix for MKS Sbase. Everything went better than expected and after leveling the bed, I tried to print some easter eggs. Suprisingly the result was quite bad, seemed like layer shifting.
2019-04-15 22.12.32.jpg

After tuning the accelerations, jerk/junction deviation etc. for few nights I started fiddling with the stepper parameters, like minimum pulse width etc. Finally changing minimum pulse width from 2ns to 3ns fixed the problems and the result are as good as they should be.
2019-04-15 22.13.05.jpg2019-04-15 22.12.38.jpg

Mesh bed leveling is a nice feature, but it's bit tedious if you need to do it often as you have to manually jog the z-axis. So I started thinking about a removable sensor that's basically a limit switch that you can attach to the X-carriage for the duration of the leveling sequence. Bltouch would be even easier, but it takes some space around the hotend permanently so removable sensor is a good compromise.