Having a weird problem with Dollo rework: most prints come out fine, but there's this one box I've been printing and it has what seems to be a layer shift that keeps repeating on the same layer on each print. If I rotate the model 90 degrees, the problem goes away.
The model: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:647425. By default the model is oriented so that the open side faces left so the shift happens on Y-axis. This could be mechanical as Dollo is what it is, but the MKS Sbase uses DRV8825 stepper drivers and those are known to have issues with missed steps in some scenarios. I do have tl-smoothers on X and E axes and Y-motors are connected in series so there shouldn't be a problem. But I'd like to be sure so I'll probably hook another board just to eliminate this. My SKR v1.4 Pro arrived some time ago, might as well use that for testing.
